I just wanted to say this. I heard your interview with Zerlina Maxwell on the SiriusXm Progress channel this week Lucas and was really glad to hear you getting national coverage. Please do many more interviews like that on the progress channel as well as other places in the weeks to come before the election. I voted for you in the primary and you've got my vote in the November election, Lucas. We need you as a US Senator in Missouri. We need Hawley out. go Lucas!


Fenton, Missouri

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Lucas, somehow you got tall. You shot up right past Al.

If I lived in Missouri, I'd be wearing a T shirt with the GOP senator in full flight mode—Brave, Brave Sir Hawley!

I've contributed you to your campaign for a while now from Texas.

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Thank you sir, from Missouri!

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I know you miss Al, but he was obviously a good Marine, a good citizen, and a good man. May you be granted to take those same attributes to the U.S. Senate. This old Army veteran is with you on this. Drive on, Lucas! Drive on!

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Lucas- Thank God, someone has the gonads to go after Josh Hawley!! I know what you mean about sacrifice and service. I was in public service for 50 years. And I can definitely relate to Al, since I was in Vietnam as well.

Our country has a leadership deficit. That's why it's important to elect leaders such as Lucas Kunce!

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Leaves me with hope for my own children and grandchildren when I see others who demonstrate in words and actions the idea of service (not to themselves) but to others (neighbors, community, nation) and of course a higher order.

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Strong appearance on Deadline: White House. Way to go!

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Love this so hard! I would have been drafted and called up in 1970, but I'm female. It hurt me to watch the news. I absolutely supported the soldiers but hated the government for justifying that stupid war. What were the VC going to do?? Paddle their canoes to California? My dad served in the Navy at the end of WWII but was support, never on the front. He also came to question the reasons, and always supported those who served and made it home. But he stopped voting Republican.

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That story was truly touching and made realize what a wonderful man and person you are. I have family who live in Missouri…and it seems like the kind of good friendly people I grew up with in Texas though. I don’t live in the south anymore I’m in Washington state now and have been pretty much all my adult life. I have to say it is one of the things I miss the most about the south and people who take care and look after each other. Don’t get me wrong I love Washington and people here are good but you basically have to know them first. I hope one day with your ambition and the love for our democracy, I will get to see you in the presidential chair. I think you would make a very good president. Good luck 😊

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Our country needs leaders like you. I pray that Missourians will look past party labels and vote for the candidate with integrity and life experiences who truly empathizes with his constituents. Go, Lucas!

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Thank you for sharing this touching story about your growing up and then your eventual introduction to the Marines. Love hearing about you.

I have an intuitive sense that you will win this seat for the Senate!

(My request of young candidates is always to keep learning about our American History. Practically every documentary that Ken Burns has made teaches us about our American History, and those who shaped it--higly recommend.)

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This truly makes the sore place in my heart about how things were when I was a young Vietnam Era draftee’s wife.

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Thank you...

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If I lived in Missouri, I would vote for you!

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Thanks for running against Hawley. There are many Republicans that don't care much for what he hasn't done. I saw you in Piedmont, MO and plan to vote for you. Good luck.

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Lucas I really enjoyed your post. My late brother in law was a Marine in Vietnam and he shared some stories of his conflicts. Even though I thought the war in Vietnam was a mistake I have the ultimate respect for what you and my Brother in law did. I am voting for you this November and hoping you get Hawley out of the Senate. To be totally honest I would vote for Lassie over Hawley but I am so pleased we have a candidate like you with so much integrity and empathy.

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From Arizona: I loved this so much. May you join vet Ruben Gallego of Arizona as a new Senator from Missouri. Both of you will add so much!

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