A middle-age woman from a small Missouri town refused to display a democratic United States senate candidate’s (Kunce) sign in her yard. Doing so would be dangerous according to her social media post. Driving through Stover, Missouri, a man reported spotting a Harris-Walz sign and later congratulated the homeowner’s bravery on Facebook. (Displaying a candidate’s sign is an act of patriotism, not bravery,)
Almost 1,000 miles away, a Pennsylvanian resident also expressed his fear, on another feed, of displaying a democratic candidate yard sign. Democratic candidates and their supporters are routinely referred to in writing and verbally as murderers, Marxists and miscreants. Many citizens and Republican politicians are harassing and belittling others for simply being Democrats. Since several decades Republicans pummeled voters with criticisms and criminal accusations of Democrats. This tactic has worked to dismay anyone from merely listening to the propositions of democratic candidates. And this tactic inspires infrequent voters to action and will prevent any significant increase in votes and election wins; no matter how strong the candidate.
Being a Democrat and supporting democratic candidates and politicians must be viewed as a appealing and admirable possibility. Redefining who is and what being a Democrat means is crucial. Democrats are grandparents, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, cousins—family members. We are teachers, doctors, pipe fitters, sales clerks, social workers, nurses, custodians, and engineers. We shop in grocery stores, drive on highways, play in neighborhood parks. We live in apartments, houses and farms in the largest and smallest American cities. If it does not, then only one party will survive and democracy will die.
I live in a rural town in a rural county surrounded by trumpers. I, too, was wary of putting up my yard sign for fear of vandalism of the outside of my house.
I would be on the lookout for her, too. She sounds like a nut job. Why can't we all get along? Trump exposed, then encouraged, this seething underbelly of hate in this country. It makes me ill and sad.
Very sad and essentially, your freedom has been hampered. Americans must support the existence of more than one party to preserve choice and the institution of democracy.
I was nervous too. But we put up our Kamala and Yes on 3 signs in Joplin, MO. and we got ONE comment from a jogger who said “Oh I’m so glad decent people live here!” Trick or Treaters didn’t skip our house as I expected - the signs caused no trouble. But I was stressed out about it every single day nonetheless.
I live nearby, and was so thrilled every time I drive through and saw a Harris and a Kunce sign I was thrilled!! I also was nervous about displaying my Lucas Kunce sign, and it was in fact knocked down once (no wind), but it wasn’t ruined. Only one on my road. It can be scary as we have all seen how radically violent the opposition can be! Thanks to everyone who braved this storm! 😄
I live in Jefferson City. I have been asked a couple of times if I was afraid to wear the Democratic t-shirt I was wearing. I replied that I was not afraid and that I was proud of my Democratic values. We need to quit cowering and hiding. If people see that their honest, hardworking neighbors of high integrity are Democrats, maybe that will improve the brand. We need to take up space in the public square, participate in community organizations and events. Be proud. Generously contribute to Democratic candidates. Show up to knock doors. Do anything but tuck tail.
I appreciate Lucas' post mortem on his campaign. I know he used a different strategy that I was unsure about. I watched a Jimmy Carter documentary where he told liberals they were not going to like his gubernatorial campaign but they would like what he would do when he got elected. He was right in both cases.
I realize the Democratic Party has a branding problem. I think there is roughly 35% of the population we will never convert to the Democratic Party. But right now, the largest party in Missouri and the US is the non-voter party. What will convert those non-voters to voters? I am here to learn.
Republicans deliver there message every day, week after week, month after month and year after year. During campaign season and outside campaign season.
Until Democrats develop a new message delivery system that does the same, we will continue to lose. A great message that is not heard is useless. A message that is heard, even if lousy, can be powerful.
The following is my suggestion but let's crowd source for ideas for a new message delivery system.
I'm not sure the current set of political tools we have are sufficient to solve the problem of finding a better way forward. The Republicans have created a phenomenal message system based on one way communication with TV, Radio and print. They also use 2 way communication but it is Rush Limbaugh type comments where the commenter is just restating the original message.
Democrats tried to duplicate it with MSNBC and more liberal newspapers, but I think one way communication will never be successful with Democrats. I realize this is a gross generalization, but Democrats want to be part of the solution, not just follow someone else's solution.
Republicans value loyalty and obedience more than justice and fairness. Republicans seem more content with hierarchal structures. Democrats seem more content with peer structures.
We need some kind of platform that easily allows groups such as Lucas' Substack to join together in solving the problem. It must have 2 way communication. Members will need to be kept informed of other group's replies.
1. There needs to be an easy link that Lucas can put on his Substack that allows each of his members to join the larger group as members of Lucas' Substack. Lucas' substack members will speak to the platform with one voice. Lucas Kunce will need to aggregate that voice and his members will need to approve that aggregation. Concurrence at a minimum will be needed, but the aggregation method would be determined by the group.
2. The platform will need to verify all members as people. There will probably be 2 classes of members. The first will be anonymous but still verified as a real person. The second will be verified by name and address and citizenship. The member will be able to decide which way they want to join. All can participate in the discussion and aggregated responses but the verified citizen group could vote on specific candidate issues. (Member Jane Doe lives in MO congressional district 1 so their voice is heard by the MO congressional district 1's candidate.)
Citizen verified members will still be able to communicate with a handle. The difference will be when they vote on something for a candidate, the candidate will know that member is in their district.
3. All members from all groups, like Lucas' Substack group, will need a way to see all other aggregated responses. Lucas' group, as a single voice, will be able to respond, if the group chooses to respond to other aggregated responses. There needs to be 2 way communication within Lucas' group and between Lucas' group and all other groups. There may be a set of tiered larger groups, instead of one larger group, to handle physical volume (make a scalable system).
3. The platform needs to be able to handle all forms of groups. Substack, BlueSky, X, Facebook, LinkedIn and any other groups that have 2 way communication. There should also be a link for groups that meet in person. The aggregated responses would need to made electronically, and members would need to join the larger group electronically, but the group could discuss in person.
I'd love to hear any thoughts you have. I'd love even more for you or some of your members to champion some sort of new message delivery system alternative to the Republican messaging system. I'll help. A great message that is not heard is useless.
Yes, the Dems do need to be more adept at getting their message out. But a healthy democracy is sustained by an educated voting populace. It is incumbent upon voters to participate both at the ballot box and in their own political education. With the advent of the internet is is relatively easy to track candidates positions and more importantly incumbents' voting records. An engaged voter is the most effective guardian of our democracy.
Yes! But most people I know do not take the responsibility to track positions and voting records, so I do it for them. I literally research the info, and text it to everyone I know. It is hard work! I would very much appreciate a system that compiled that information for me to share. The best scenario breaks it down to each individual ballot level for every candidate. That’s what I’m doing, and people appreciate it, because most will not do it for themselves.
That is absolutely wonderful. It sounds like you already are the start of the new message delivery system.
I'm trying to find a way for people who think we can build a new message delivery system can corroborate on a way forward. If you have any ideas let me know. If you reply to this I will keep it and reply later when I have something.
This is such a good analysis of the election. I had hoped for something like this pre election from the Missouri Democratic Party with the plan for countering these trends which were there before this election but I was unable to get any information. This factual analysis should be used along with studying how/where potential voters get their information (I think you campaign showed at least in Missouri in some areas potential voters are willing to get information from the candidate rather than fox news. Perhaps, and I have no idea how to figure this out but it sounds like you do have staff/volunteers who do, Missouri is a bit different than more urban areas in that voters do not get their info from social media or social media influencers. If this is true we need to focus resources on getting our candidates out in public. A lot. Studying the demographics of the state seems to also be warranted...is the education level dropping? Is the age changing with maybe more young people leaving? Are the job skills needed in the current market place the same as they have been and will be? If the population is changing in a manner that young non evangelical voters are moving leaving older right wing evangelical voters, that presents a different campaign approach than is young folks with not specific religious affiliation who have professional jobs are either staying or moving here. I am not a native but I have lived in Texas County for over 45 years (weirdly I've been here longer than half the population since half the population is under 43!) and we are in the poorest Congressional District in the state and one of the poorest in the nation. The people that live here are happy with that but they do not understand at all that the federal government provides assistance that makes things ok. And much of this, I feel is the fault of the Democratic party. One example, a local school got a $400,000 grant to improve school safety which came from a program that the Biden Administration got passed. The school, in announcing the grant did not mention that Jason Smioth voted against it, and the Dems did not step up to point that out....likewise with recent improvements to the local hospital and library and roads. And after the last big storm Gov Parsons requested FEMA funds, which of course Jason Smith has always voted against...but the Dems never seem to step up and point this out. Years ago I worked for the "welfare" office determining eligibility for food stamps and many many of the people in my caseload worked at either Brown Shoe, Rawlings or Lee's factory and in essence the feds were subsidizing these companies....the workers never went hungry because when their wages were low enough they got food stamps....but they never ever associated that with help from the feds. Critical thinking skill here are at a minimum (yes we still have teachers who do not believe in evolution, and it cannot even be mentioned in science classes). No Dems have pointed out the hypocrisy of the voters supporting trump, who violates all the Commandments, who encourages retribution and revenge rather than turning the other cheek, who has promised a bloody round up of immigrants rather than welcoming the stranger (to say nothing of telling his supporters to buy his goods rather that to do what Jesus said.... (Luke 14:33: "Any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple"). To get the rural Missouri vote, the Dems have a lot of work to do!!!
I hope this isn't an awkward question, but did Lucas consider running as an independent last year? Dan Osborn's overperformance in Nebraska was a clear sign that even in some of the reddest states, we can come close to winning by avoiding the Dem label altogether. It sucks to say that, but it's the new reality.
If Democrats had accurate coverage by mainstream television media, newspapers, and radio 24/7/365, it certainly would have helped. However, MSM is owned by billionaires and billionaire corporations, who got what they paid for.
Excellent point, and one that should be considered in the future. We also need to "clean house" and replace the longest serving Dems who have found it appealing to self serve, becoming wealthy and forgetting they are there to work for US and not to work for their own power and wealth.
Dan Osborn, running as a true Independent working class pro-choice steamfitter, who pledged he wouldn't even caucus with dems, got somewhat close because he won the big city of Nashville overwhelmingly. He got killed in every single rural county by a Republican do-nothing incumbent who refused to debate him even once and who rarely if ever even showed up in her own state. But big Republican money dominated TV and mail lying about Osborn being a closet Dem so she won! The answer really is that there is virtually no chance in rural and semi-rural areas to elect any Democrat like Jon Tester in his native Montana and Sherrod Brown in Ohio who have worked tirelessly for decades to help working-class and older folks, but to no avail in 2024. These very sad stories must be taken to heart so we must simply accept reality in such semi-rural states, but focus instead on those races for Congress in more industrial and populated big cities and their suburbs. We did just that in 2024 and gained seats even with DT running his last race [actually I don't guarantee that unfortunately]. So what is the key factor to electoral success: 1) State-wide races for Senate and regional races in those Congressional Districts (CDs) for the House which are dominated by college-educated voters and voters of color; and 2) focus exclusively on only the twenty (20) "truly competitive" CDs by registering younger voters in Community College and High School seniors in those CDs by tens of thousands and then turn them out to vote by social media concentrating on the three core issues which are meaningful to them: (1) protection of abortion rights; (2) enacting and enforcing effective gun control instead of protecting the guns which have been killing them; and (3) finally ensuring that the climate change which they know about (and fear for their futures) will be fought and defeated by legislative action! That's it folks--are you with us? If so, please--please--go now right away to www.TurnUp.US which is a tax-deductible charitable (and really effective) organization run by Harvard graduates and students which focuses ONLY on those 20 CDs and competitive Senate states RIGHT NOW AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO IF YOU HELP FUND IT! THANK YOU!! OUR DEMOCRACY DEPENDS ON YOUR FOCUS IN 2025 AND 2026!
Um, Nashville is in Tennessee, not Nebraska. And besides, Osborn did, in fact, do relatively well in rural Nebraska, certainly compared to Democratic candidates.
Sorry I meant Omaha but while he did much better statewide in NE than virtually all Dems in 20 years, it wasn’t really close at the end. He really tried hard everywhere in the state and had a great team but it wasn’t really close at the end. Nor was it close in Missouri or Florida, Ohio or MT etc etc where hundreds of millions were spent in support of quality Dems, was it? Other than NC and GA, the South and Mid-West is essentially gone Republican except for a relatively few cities, isn’t it? Despite large Black and Latino populations. So I submit concentrate where you can win and I respectfully suggest there are no more than about 20 federal truly competitive CDs out of 435 in election after election.
Maybe it's time to develop a new party. We have the internet. We have 2 way communication. We have secure, encrypted communication. We can verify members as citizens. We could even verify members by voting district.
Members could vote on the party's platform issues (choose issues that can improve lives rather than divide the country). Members could even determine how each candidate should vote on a particular bill.
The internet provides a mechanism that we never had before. We the people could discuss issues in detail instead of sound bites and catchy phrases. We, the people could vote on specific issues. We don't have to change the US consitution, this voting would be by party members and the candidates would have to agree to adhere to the members vote.
I appreciate seeing these figures side-by-side (for MO, OH, and MT), but how do we contend with one man being allowed to spend 250 million on trump's behalf? The republicans have been plotting since 2011's Citizens United decision and before to buy elections -- same thing happened over a century ago in MT by the copper barons. People are routinely and repeatedly blinded by money, and the same lessons have to be learned over, and over, and over again.
When I posted my Biden Harris sign, it was taken. So I found a piece of plywood 8' x 2.5' and painted both sides in bright blue letters, screwed it to my fence and a large stump. No one took that one.
When they won the election, I hung an American flag above it. No one took that either. This year I mimicked Democrats in Iowa and posted a BLUE DOT to indicate my political preference, no one took that and I'm leaving it up.
The problem I see is a very aggressive, domineering and oppressive trend and that is evident in the way people drive. If anything gets in their way, they will disrespect one's right to be on "their" road/s. Hell fire and brimstone religious influence is extremely dominant and has become a problem, not the solution. Congregations are told who to vote for and their clergy use the same brainwashing techniques that Fox does and that is the only station most people here watch.
Everything that has to do with the home and management is ruled over by the man in the family, a tradition gone extreme. Anything that goes wrong is the woman's fault, including their husbands straying and breaking his marriage vows. Church is most people's cultural center as there are few culturally oriented alternatives. The church is a stage for music and dramatic arts, dogmatically oriented. The congregations politics reflect what they are told by their preachers, friends and relations.
There are business people here in various capacities that will not work for a Democrat. If someone knows that you're not a Republican, you will too often be shunned or lose a job. I volunteer at the local Historical Society and those of us who are left leaning, keep that to ourselves, however the Republicans have free reign...or rein. However some don't realize the impact and in talking them, some believe as we Democrats do, but they don't realize it.
The populace cannot keep up with all the propaganda that comes out of politics and they fall for disinformation lock, stock and barrel. That needs regulation.
Excellent Analysis. Perhaps the key to turning around the Democratic Party NATIONALLY lies with Down Ballot Democrats in Heartland States like Missouri who like Lucas Kunce crack the code on figuring out how to focus Trump Inclined Voters on their Financial Interests and away from their fears and, dare I say it, their cultural, ethnic, sexual, and racial prejudices, too. Let's all support these Down Ballot Heartland Candidates like Lucas Kunce. They seem to me to be the future of the Democratic Party. I would include Congressional Representative Tim Ryan of Youngstown, Ohio in this group, too.
Great analysis. The Kunce Campaign should be proud that you were in it to win it, not to win friends in the state Democratic party. There is a thin trade-off. I'd be interested in the statewide percentage of total votes cast that are from the St. Louis area compared to major elections in the past. From a cursory analysis it's hard to get over the huge margins piled up for Trump in rural & exurban Missouri.
The rigidity of your FORMS, here, does not allow for a smoothly flowing conversation.■Democrats did not win the day due to the 1/2assed way of dealing with issues important to the working class, who, apparently, are not politically savvy & are discouraged by what is seen as the spineless way of approaching the sociopathic, but electric way the Republicans spin the issues!■ An example; Biden, during his 2020 campaign, said He would REPLACE DeJoy, by replacing DeJoy’s immediate superiors with people sympathetic to himself (Biden) & then THEY would fire DeJoy!••• but 4 years down the line & Biden NEVER FOLLOWED THRU ON HIS CAMPAIGN PROMISE, A VERY IMPORTANT ONE TO the average, "man-on-the-street" & the issue of Voting-By-Mail !!!■Even NOW, as Biden attempts to get Last Minute things done~ he attempts NOTHING where THAT campaign promise!!!■ HOW do you trust that?!■ THAT IS A BASIC!■ GITMO STILL EXISTS WITH PEOPLE LANGUISHING IN IT!○OBAMA DID NOTHING, BIDEN DID NOTHING.■ SOME PEOPLE were SO FRUSTRATED they voted for a blatantly sociopathic clown!■ AND WHY HAS NOTHING BEEN SAID & DONE REGARDING trump being ALLOWED ON ANY election ticket when he is a CONVICTED FELON of 34 counts, a BLATANT TRAITOR TO THIS country who has never been made to take responsibility for his traitorous actions!■WHY? MONEY!!
N A I have to disagree with some of your characterizations. Surely you are aware we have a corrupt SCOTUS, whose rulings and actions negated Biden's attempts, through legislation and executive orders, to help everyday Americans.
Our HOA does not allow us to put signs in our yards unless it’s for selling and any other commercial signs for 30 days like roofing/ windows.
I had my neighbor take down his maga flag under that rule but another neighbor had a Harris/ Walz yard sign and no one mentioned it. Which the maga flag flying guy put a trump/Vance sign up.
I voted for you Lukas and my friends did too.
The problem with Missouri is it caters more to the Southern Bible Belt and less to inner city and surrounding counties.
People have to separate church and state and stop using that pitch in campaigns. If not than we need to put a heavy tax on religious institutions that take advantage of the system.
A candidate’s religious affiliation should have no bearing on his qualifications for a government job.
Just finished reading “White Poverty: How Exposing Myths About Race And Class Can Reconstruct American Democracy” by Reverend Dr. William J. Barber II. I highly recommend you (and everyone really) read it.
I’m not a class reductionist, but it is time to begin building some real class consciousness and solidarity among the working/middle class and “lower-income” households. The largest single demographic group in America are poor people, plain and simple, and they’re not dumb. They’ll rally around someone who is willing to stand up for them, if we can first get them to realize we’re all in the same boat together and are better off paddling together instead of against each other.
I saw this on Blue Sky posted by Mark Cuban - something for someone like Mr. K to consider:
From Mark Cuban on Blue Sky:
Imagine if @aoc @sanders.senate.gov , every dem, SIMULTANEOUSLY held Town Halls where they allowed grant and contract recipients to explain to the country what it is they do and why it's important
Invite all media. Including RW podcasters. @spaces Flood the zone
To dismiss a heartfelt "Merry Christmas" is wrong since many religious christians, like for instance Jimmy Carter, live their faith sincerely. That said, if you don't know the faith or lack of one of someone, I think it is better in a multicultural multi religious society to stick with Happy Holidays.
I recall the frustration of constantly receiving text and email pleadings from the Harris campaign for more donations, up to 6-8 per day. I recall thinking “I already gave, what will more money do?”
From this analysis I agree that more money will distribute the message where it is needed, but what is the message? I as a donor need the “why” before the “how much”.
Why are no elected leaders or media acknowledging evidence of a hack of voting machines that impacted the results of the 2024 presidential election? Search "leaked voting data Clark County Nevada". After @ 300 votes the presidential votes are spread 60/40 to benefit Trump no matter what. This is coincidentally the vote split blasted on Polymarket. Dems are so interested in a peaceful transfer of power and not being election deniers they are glossing over the obvious and throwing their voters under the bus. Why? The only conclusion I can come up with is they are in on the scam and also buddies with the Russians. Vote for us, donate to our campaign and we will worse than abandon you we will reward their corruption with the presidency and "fight" for you from a position of weakness when the candidate you voted for actually won. It's a nightmare scenario.
A middle-age woman from a small Missouri town refused to display a democratic United States senate candidate’s (Kunce) sign in her yard. Doing so would be dangerous according to her social media post. Driving through Stover, Missouri, a man reported spotting a Harris-Walz sign and later congratulated the homeowner’s bravery on Facebook. (Displaying a candidate’s sign is an act of patriotism, not bravery,)
Almost 1,000 miles away, a Pennsylvanian resident also expressed his fear, on another feed, of displaying a democratic candidate yard sign. Democratic candidates and their supporters are routinely referred to in writing and verbally as murderers, Marxists and miscreants. Many citizens and Republican politicians are harassing and belittling others for simply being Democrats. Since several decades Republicans pummeled voters with criticisms and criminal accusations of Democrats. This tactic has worked to dismay anyone from merely listening to the propositions of democratic candidates. And this tactic inspires infrequent voters to action and will prevent any significant increase in votes and election wins; no matter how strong the candidate.
Being a Democrat and supporting democratic candidates and politicians must be viewed as a appealing and admirable possibility. Redefining who is and what being a Democrat means is crucial. Democrats are grandparents, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, cousins—family members. We are teachers, doctors, pipe fitters, sales clerks, social workers, nurses, custodians, and engineers. We shop in grocery stores, drive on highways, play in neighborhood parks. We live in apartments, houses and farms in the largest and smallest American cities. If it does not, then only one party will survive and democracy will die.
I live in a rural town in a rural county surrounded by trumpers. I, too, was wary of putting up my yard sign for fear of vandalism of the outside of my house.
I would be on the lookout for her, too. She sounds like a nut job. Why can't we all get along? Trump exposed, then encouraged, this seething underbelly of hate in this country. It makes me ill and sad.
Very sad and essentially, your freedom has been hampered. Americans must support the existence of more than one party to preserve choice and the institution of democracy.
I was nervous too. But we put up our Kamala and Yes on 3 signs in Joplin, MO. and we got ONE comment from a jogger who said “Oh I’m so glad decent people live here!” Trick or Treaters didn’t skip our house as I expected - the signs caused no trouble. But I was stressed out about it every single day nonetheless.
I live nearby, and was so thrilled every time I drive through and saw a Harris and a Kunce sign I was thrilled!! I also was nervous about displaying my Lucas Kunce sign, and it was in fact knocked down once (no wind), but it wasn’t ruined. Only one on my road. It can be scary as we have all seen how radically violent the opposition can be! Thanks to everyone who braved this storm! 😄
I live in Jefferson City. I have been asked a couple of times if I was afraid to wear the Democratic t-shirt I was wearing. I replied that I was not afraid and that I was proud of my Democratic values. We need to quit cowering and hiding. If people see that their honest, hardworking neighbors of high integrity are Democrats, maybe that will improve the brand. We need to take up space in the public square, participate in community organizations and events. Be proud. Generously contribute to Democratic candidates. Show up to knock doors. Do anything but tuck tail.
I appreciate Lucas' post mortem on his campaign. I know he used a different strategy that I was unsure about. I watched a Jimmy Carter documentary where he told liberals they were not going to like his gubernatorial campaign but they would like what he would do when he got elected. He was right in both cases.
I realize the Democratic Party has a branding problem. I think there is roughly 35% of the population we will never convert to the Democratic Party. But right now, the largest party in Missouri and the US is the non-voter party. What will convert those non-voters to voters? I am here to learn.
Republicans deliver there message every day, week after week, month after month and year after year. During campaign season and outside campaign season.
Until Democrats develop a new message delivery system that does the same, we will continue to lose. A great message that is not heard is useless. A message that is heard, even if lousy, can be powerful.
The following is my suggestion but let's crowd source for ideas for a new message delivery system.
I'm not sure the current set of political tools we have are sufficient to solve the problem of finding a better way forward. The Republicans have created a phenomenal message system based on one way communication with TV, Radio and print. They also use 2 way communication but it is Rush Limbaugh type comments where the commenter is just restating the original message.
Democrats tried to duplicate it with MSNBC and more liberal newspapers, but I think one way communication will never be successful with Democrats. I realize this is a gross generalization, but Democrats want to be part of the solution, not just follow someone else's solution.
Republicans value loyalty and obedience more than justice and fairness. Republicans seem more content with hierarchal structures. Democrats seem more content with peer structures.
We need some kind of platform that easily allows groups such as Lucas' Substack to join together in solving the problem. It must have 2 way communication. Members will need to be kept informed of other group's replies.
1. There needs to be an easy link that Lucas can put on his Substack that allows each of his members to join the larger group as members of Lucas' Substack. Lucas' substack members will speak to the platform with one voice. Lucas Kunce will need to aggregate that voice and his members will need to approve that aggregation. Concurrence at a minimum will be needed, but the aggregation method would be determined by the group.
2. The platform will need to verify all members as people. There will probably be 2 classes of members. The first will be anonymous but still verified as a real person. The second will be verified by name and address and citizenship. The member will be able to decide which way they want to join. All can participate in the discussion and aggregated responses but the verified citizen group could vote on specific candidate issues. (Member Jane Doe lives in MO congressional district 1 so their voice is heard by the MO congressional district 1's candidate.)
Citizen verified members will still be able to communicate with a handle. The difference will be when they vote on something for a candidate, the candidate will know that member is in their district.
3. All members from all groups, like Lucas' Substack group, will need a way to see all other aggregated responses. Lucas' group, as a single voice, will be able to respond, if the group chooses to respond to other aggregated responses. There needs to be 2 way communication within Lucas' group and between Lucas' group and all other groups. There may be a set of tiered larger groups, instead of one larger group, to handle physical volume (make a scalable system).
3. The platform needs to be able to handle all forms of groups. Substack, BlueSky, X, Facebook, LinkedIn and any other groups that have 2 way communication. There should also be a link for groups that meet in person. The aggregated responses would need to made electronically, and members would need to join the larger group electronically, but the group could discuss in person.
I'd love to hear any thoughts you have. I'd love even more for you or some of your members to champion some sort of new message delivery system alternative to the Republican messaging system. I'll help. A great message that is not heard is useless.
Yes, the Dems do need to be more adept at getting their message out. But a healthy democracy is sustained by an educated voting populace. It is incumbent upon voters to participate both at the ballot box and in their own political education. With the advent of the internet is is relatively easy to track candidates positions and more importantly incumbents' voting records. An engaged voter is the most effective guardian of our democracy.
Conventional education is really a good thing, but is not necessary to vote. Political education on the issues and candidate is necessary to vote.
But the nagging question is where to you get that information intelligently and in depth and in a way where you can ask questions, verify and clarify.
Yes! But most people I know do not take the responsibility to track positions and voting records, so I do it for them. I literally research the info, and text it to everyone I know. It is hard work! I would very much appreciate a system that compiled that information for me to share. The best scenario breaks it down to each individual ballot level for every candidate. That’s what I’m doing, and people appreciate it, because most will not do it for themselves.
Thank you for thinking out of the box.
That is absolutely wonderful. It sounds like you already are the start of the new message delivery system.
I'm trying to find a way for people who think we can build a new message delivery system can corroborate on a way forward. If you have any ideas let me know. If you reply to this I will keep it and reply later when I have something.
This is such a good analysis of the election. I had hoped for something like this pre election from the Missouri Democratic Party with the plan for countering these trends which were there before this election but I was unable to get any information. This factual analysis should be used along with studying how/where potential voters get their information (I think you campaign showed at least in Missouri in some areas potential voters are willing to get information from the candidate rather than fox news. Perhaps, and I have no idea how to figure this out but it sounds like you do have staff/volunteers who do, Missouri is a bit different than more urban areas in that voters do not get their info from social media or social media influencers. If this is true we need to focus resources on getting our candidates out in public. A lot. Studying the demographics of the state seems to also be warranted...is the education level dropping? Is the age changing with maybe more young people leaving? Are the job skills needed in the current market place the same as they have been and will be? If the population is changing in a manner that young non evangelical voters are moving leaving older right wing evangelical voters, that presents a different campaign approach than is young folks with not specific religious affiliation who have professional jobs are either staying or moving here. I am not a native but I have lived in Texas County for over 45 years (weirdly I've been here longer than half the population since half the population is under 43!) and we are in the poorest Congressional District in the state and one of the poorest in the nation. The people that live here are happy with that but they do not understand at all that the federal government provides assistance that makes things ok. And much of this, I feel is the fault of the Democratic party. One example, a local school got a $400,000 grant to improve school safety which came from a program that the Biden Administration got passed. The school, in announcing the grant did not mention that Jason Smioth voted against it, and the Dems did not step up to point that out....likewise with recent improvements to the local hospital and library and roads. And after the last big storm Gov Parsons requested FEMA funds, which of course Jason Smith has always voted against...but the Dems never seem to step up and point this out. Years ago I worked for the "welfare" office determining eligibility for food stamps and many many of the people in my caseload worked at either Brown Shoe, Rawlings or Lee's factory and in essence the feds were subsidizing these companies....the workers never went hungry because when their wages were low enough they got food stamps....but they never ever associated that with help from the feds. Critical thinking skill here are at a minimum (yes we still have teachers who do not believe in evolution, and it cannot even be mentioned in science classes). No Dems have pointed out the hypocrisy of the voters supporting trump, who violates all the Commandments, who encourages retribution and revenge rather than turning the other cheek, who has promised a bloody round up of immigrants rather than welcoming the stranger (to say nothing of telling his supporters to buy his goods rather that to do what Jesus said.... (Luke 14:33: "Any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple"). To get the rural Missouri vote, the Dems have a lot of work to do!!!
I hope this isn't an awkward question, but did Lucas consider running as an independent last year? Dan Osborn's overperformance in Nebraska was a clear sign that even in some of the reddest states, we can come close to winning by avoiding the Dem label altogether. It sucks to say that, but it's the new reality.
If Democrats had accurate coverage by mainstream television media, newspapers, and radio 24/7/365, it certainly would have helped. However, MSM is owned by billionaires and billionaire corporations, who got what they paid for.
Excellent point, and one that should be considered in the future. We also need to "clean house" and replace the longest serving Dems who have found it appealing to self serve, becoming wealthy and forgetting they are there to work for US and not to work for their own power and wealth.
Dan Osborn, running as a true Independent working class pro-choice steamfitter, who pledged he wouldn't even caucus with dems, got somewhat close because he won the big city of Nashville overwhelmingly. He got killed in every single rural county by a Republican do-nothing incumbent who refused to debate him even once and who rarely if ever even showed up in her own state. But big Republican money dominated TV and mail lying about Osborn being a closet Dem so she won! The answer really is that there is virtually no chance in rural and semi-rural areas to elect any Democrat like Jon Tester in his native Montana and Sherrod Brown in Ohio who have worked tirelessly for decades to help working-class and older folks, but to no avail in 2024. These very sad stories must be taken to heart so we must simply accept reality in such semi-rural states, but focus instead on those races for Congress in more industrial and populated big cities and their suburbs. We did just that in 2024 and gained seats even with DT running his last race [actually I don't guarantee that unfortunately]. So what is the key factor to electoral success: 1) State-wide races for Senate and regional races in those Congressional Districts (CDs) for the House which are dominated by college-educated voters and voters of color; and 2) focus exclusively on only the twenty (20) "truly competitive" CDs by registering younger voters in Community College and High School seniors in those CDs by tens of thousands and then turn them out to vote by social media concentrating on the three core issues which are meaningful to them: (1) protection of abortion rights; (2) enacting and enforcing effective gun control instead of protecting the guns which have been killing them; and (3) finally ensuring that the climate change which they know about (and fear for their futures) will be fought and defeated by legislative action! That's it folks--are you with us? If so, please--please--go now right away to www.TurnUp.US which is a tax-deductible charitable (and really effective) organization run by Harvard graduates and students which focuses ONLY on those 20 CDs and competitive Senate states RIGHT NOW AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO IF YOU HELP FUND IT! THANK YOU!! OUR DEMOCRACY DEPENDS ON YOUR FOCUS IN 2025 AND 2026!
Um, Nashville is in Tennessee, not Nebraska. And besides, Osborn did, in fact, do relatively well in rural Nebraska, certainly compared to Democratic candidates.
Sorry I meant Omaha but while he did much better statewide in NE than virtually all Dems in 20 years, it wasn’t really close at the end. He really tried hard everywhere in the state and had a great team but it wasn’t really close at the end. Nor was it close in Missouri or Florida, Ohio or MT etc etc where hundreds of millions were spent in support of quality Dems, was it? Other than NC and GA, the South and Mid-West is essentially gone Republican except for a relatively few cities, isn’t it? Despite large Black and Latino populations. So I submit concentrate where you can win and I respectfully suggest there are no more than about 20 federal truly competitive CDs out of 435 in election after election.
But win 10 or more and you have a relatively secure House majority!
What are you even talking about?
It certainly did not help Jared Young.
Maybe it's time to develop a new party. We have the internet. We have 2 way communication. We have secure, encrypted communication. We can verify members as citizens. We could even verify members by voting district.
Members could vote on the party's platform issues (choose issues that can improve lives rather than divide the country). Members could even determine how each candidate should vote on a particular bill.
The internet provides a mechanism that we never had before. We the people could discuss issues in detail instead of sound bites and catchy phrases. We, the people could vote on specific issues. We don't have to change the US consitution, this voting would be by party members and the candidates would have to agree to adhere to the members vote.
I appreciate seeing these figures side-by-side (for MO, OH, and MT), but how do we contend with one man being allowed to spend 250 million on trump's behalf? The republicans have been plotting since 2011's Citizens United decision and before to buy elections -- same thing happened over a century ago in MT by the copper barons. People are routinely and repeatedly blinded by money, and the same lessons have to be learned over, and over, and over again.
Thanks for using data and intelligence to analyze the situation. I know I will learn something in the next few weeks.
When I posted my Biden Harris sign, it was taken. So I found a piece of plywood 8' x 2.5' and painted both sides in bright blue letters, screwed it to my fence and a large stump. No one took that one.
When they won the election, I hung an American flag above it. No one took that either. This year I mimicked Democrats in Iowa and posted a BLUE DOT to indicate my political preference, no one took that and I'm leaving it up.
The problem I see is a very aggressive, domineering and oppressive trend and that is evident in the way people drive. If anything gets in their way, they will disrespect one's right to be on "their" road/s. Hell fire and brimstone religious influence is extremely dominant and has become a problem, not the solution. Congregations are told who to vote for and their clergy use the same brainwashing techniques that Fox does and that is the only station most people here watch.
Everything that has to do with the home and management is ruled over by the man in the family, a tradition gone extreme. Anything that goes wrong is the woman's fault, including their husbands straying and breaking his marriage vows. Church is most people's cultural center as there are few culturally oriented alternatives. The church is a stage for music and dramatic arts, dogmatically oriented. The congregations politics reflect what they are told by their preachers, friends and relations.
There are business people here in various capacities that will not work for a Democrat. If someone knows that you're not a Republican, you will too often be shunned or lose a job. I volunteer at the local Historical Society and those of us who are left leaning, keep that to ourselves, however the Republicans have free reign...or rein. However some don't realize the impact and in talking them, some believe as we Democrats do, but they don't realize it.
The populace cannot keep up with all the propaganda that comes out of politics and they fall for disinformation lock, stock and barrel. That needs regulation.
Excellent Analysis. Perhaps the key to turning around the Democratic Party NATIONALLY lies with Down Ballot Democrats in Heartland States like Missouri who like Lucas Kunce crack the code on figuring out how to focus Trump Inclined Voters on their Financial Interests and away from their fears and, dare I say it, their cultural, ethnic, sexual, and racial prejudices, too. Let's all support these Down Ballot Heartland Candidates like Lucas Kunce. They seem to me to be the future of the Democratic Party. I would include Congressional Representative Tim Ryan of Youngstown, Ohio in this group, too.
Great analysis. The Kunce Campaign should be proud that you were in it to win it, not to win friends in the state Democratic party. There is a thin trade-off. I'd be interested in the statewide percentage of total votes cast that are from the St. Louis area compared to major elections in the past. From a cursory analysis it's hard to get over the huge margins piled up for Trump in rural & exurban Missouri.
The rigidity of your FORMS, here, does not allow for a smoothly flowing conversation.■Democrats did not win the day due to the 1/2assed way of dealing with issues important to the working class, who, apparently, are not politically savvy & are discouraged by what is seen as the spineless way of approaching the sociopathic, but electric way the Republicans spin the issues!■ An example; Biden, during his 2020 campaign, said He would REPLACE DeJoy, by replacing DeJoy’s immediate superiors with people sympathetic to himself (Biden) & then THEY would fire DeJoy!••• but 4 years down the line & Biden NEVER FOLLOWED THRU ON HIS CAMPAIGN PROMISE, A VERY IMPORTANT ONE TO the average, "man-on-the-street" & the issue of Voting-By-Mail !!!■Even NOW, as Biden attempts to get Last Minute things done~ he attempts NOTHING where THAT campaign promise!!!■ HOW do you trust that?!■ THAT IS A BASIC!■ GITMO STILL EXISTS WITH PEOPLE LANGUISHING IN IT!○OBAMA DID NOTHING, BIDEN DID NOTHING.■ SOME PEOPLE were SO FRUSTRATED they voted for a blatantly sociopathic clown!■ AND WHY HAS NOTHING BEEN SAID & DONE REGARDING trump being ALLOWED ON ANY election ticket when he is a CONVICTED FELON of 34 counts, a BLATANT TRAITOR TO THIS country who has never been made to take responsibility for his traitorous actions!■WHY? MONEY!!
N A I have to disagree with some of your characterizations. Surely you are aware we have a corrupt SCOTUS, whose rulings and actions negated Biden's attempts, through legislation and executive orders, to help everyday Americans.
Our HOA does not allow us to put signs in our yards unless it’s for selling and any other commercial signs for 30 days like roofing/ windows.
I had my neighbor take down his maga flag under that rule but another neighbor had a Harris/ Walz yard sign and no one mentioned it. Which the maga flag flying guy put a trump/Vance sign up.
I voted for you Lukas and my friends did too.
The problem with Missouri is it caters more to the Southern Bible Belt and less to inner city and surrounding counties.
People have to separate church and state and stop using that pitch in campaigns. If not than we need to put a heavy tax on religious institutions that take advantage of the system.
A candidate’s religious affiliation should have no bearing on his qualifications for a government job.
Just finished reading “White Poverty: How Exposing Myths About Race And Class Can Reconstruct American Democracy” by Reverend Dr. William J. Barber II. I highly recommend you (and everyone really) read it.
I’m not a class reductionist, but it is time to begin building some real class consciousness and solidarity among the working/middle class and “lower-income” households. The largest single demographic group in America are poor people, plain and simple, and they’re not dumb. They’ll rally around someone who is willing to stand up for them, if we can first get them to realize we’re all in the same boat together and are better off paddling together instead of against each other.
I saw this on Blue Sky posted by Mark Cuban - something for someone like Mr. K to consider:
From Mark Cuban on Blue Sky:
Imagine if @aoc @sanders.senate.gov , every dem, SIMULTANEOUSLY held Town Halls where they allowed grant and contract recipients to explain to the country what it is they do and why it's important
Invite all media. Including RW podcasters. @spaces Flood the zone
Call it a Day Of Transparency
To dismiss a heartfelt "Merry Christmas" is wrong since many religious christians, like for instance Jimmy Carter, live their faith sincerely. That said, if you don't know the faith or lack of one of someone, I think it is better in a multicultural multi religious society to stick with Happy Holidays.
I recall the frustration of constantly receiving text and email pleadings from the Harris campaign for more donations, up to 6-8 per day. I recall thinking “I already gave, what will more money do?”
From this analysis I agree that more money will distribute the message where it is needed, but what is the message? I as a donor need the “why” before the “how much”.
Why are no elected leaders or media acknowledging evidence of a hack of voting machines that impacted the results of the 2024 presidential election? Search "leaked voting data Clark County Nevada". After @ 300 votes the presidential votes are spread 60/40 to benefit Trump no matter what. This is coincidentally the vote split blasted on Polymarket. Dems are so interested in a peaceful transfer of power and not being election deniers they are glossing over the obvious and throwing their voters under the bus. Why? The only conclusion I can come up with is they are in on the scam and also buddies with the Russians. Vote for us, donate to our campaign and we will worse than abandon you we will reward their corruption with the presidency and "fight" for you from a position of weakness when the candidate you voted for actually won. It's a nightmare scenario.